Hooks - PHP
Below you'll find a list of all available PHP hooks that can be used to extend or adjust the functionality of the plugin.
This filter allows adding custom conditions to locations.
add_filter('sleekPixel/conditions', function ($data) { $data[] = [ 'id' => 'isCustomUrl', 'label' => 'Custom URL Check', 'value' => str_contains($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '?customParam'), ]; return $data; });
This filter allows modifying the data before it's used to generate the image.
add_filter('sleekPixel/data', function($data, $args) { $imageId = $args['id'] ?? 0; // Modify post title for a specific image if ($imageId === 123) { $data['post']['title'] = 'New Post Title'; } return $data; }, 10, 2);
This filter allows registering custom data which can be chosen inside the editor.
add_filter( "sleekPixel/data/custom", function ($data, $args) { $postId = $args["postId"]; // Add custom data entry 1 $data[] = [ "value" => "customData1", "label" => "Custom data", "data" => get_field('my_field', $postId), ]; // Add custom data entry 2 $data[] = [ "value" => "customData2", "label" => "Custom data 2", "data" => "My custom title #2", ]; return $data; }, 10, 2 );
This filter allows modifying the data of individual elements within a SleekPixel image.
add_filter('sleekPixel/image/element/data', function($elementData, $image) { // Check if this is the specific image we want to modify if ($image['id'] === 123) { // Loop through the styles of each element foreach ($elementData['styles'] as &$style) { // Check if the element has a 'color' key if (isset($style['color'])) { // Set the color to a primary color $style['color'] = '#007bff'; // Example primary blue color } } } return $elementData; }, 10, 2);