
Under the Locations tab in your project, you can specify exactly where you want these images to appear on your site. This allows you to control the visibility and placement of the dynamically generated images across different pages and posts.

Output types

SleekPixel offers four specific output types:

  1. Open Graph: Generates images tailored for Open Graph meta tags, ensuring rich previews on social platforms like Facebook.
  2. Twitter Card: Creates images optimized for Twitter Card meta tags, enhancing Twitter post previews.
  3. Open Graph + Twitter Card: Combines both, producing images compatible with both platforms.
  4. Featured Image: Automatically generates featured images for your posts, enhancing their visual appeal on your website.

Open Graph

When you select the Open Graph image type, SleekPixel generates images specifically optimized for Open Graph meta tags (og:image). These images will always overwrite any SEO plugin-set images for Open Graph, ensuring that your dynamically generated images are used when your content is shared on social platforms like Facebook.

Twitter Card

When you choose the Twitter Card image type, SleekPixel generates images specifically optimized for Twitter Card meta tags (twitter:image). These images will always overwrite any SEO plugin-set images for Twitter Cards, ensuring that your dynamically generated images enhance the preview of your content when shared on Twitter.

Twitter Cards allow you to attach rich media—such as images, videos, and other content—to Tweets that link back to your website. This feature enhances the appearance of your content when it's shared on Twitter, making it more engaging and informative.

Open Graph + Twitter Card

Selecting Open Graph + Twitter Card allows SleekPixel to generate images compatible with both Open Graph and Twitter Card meta tags. These images will always overwrite any SEO plugin-set images for both Open Graph and Twitter Cards, ensuring consistent and optimized previews across multiple social media platforms.

When you select the Featured Image type, SleekPixel automatically generates featured images for your posts, enhancing their visual appeal on your website. These dynamically generated images will replace the default featured images for your posts.

Important Note: For the Featured Image functionality to work, there must be at least one item in your media library. SleekPixel uses an existing media item as a base for the post_thumbnail_html filter. This is necessary because WordPress requires a media attachment to generate the featured image HTML, and SleekPixel leverages this mechanism to insert the dynamically generated image into your posts.

Conditions and Values

SleekPixel allows you to set specific conditions for where and how your images are displayed. These conditions correspond to WordPress functions and help you fine-tune the display of your dynamically generated images.


These options let you target specific elements in your WordPress site:

  • Post Type: Target specific post types.
  • Post: Target individual posts by their ID.
  • Post Status: Target posts based on their status (e.g., published, draft).
  • Page Template: Target pages using a specific page template.
  • Taxonomy: Target posts associated with a specific taxonomy.
  • Term: Target posts associated with a specific term within a taxonomy.


These options correspond to WordPress conditional tags and allow you to target specific types of pages or conditions:

  • Is Home: Corresponds to is_home(). Checks if the main blog page is being displayed.
  • Is Front Page: Corresponds to is_front_page(). Checks if the front page is being displayed.
  • Is Page: Corresponds to is_page(). Checks if any single Page is being displayed.
  • Is Single Page: Corresponds to is_single(). Checks if any single Post is being displayed.
  • Is Singular Page: Corresponds to is_singular(). Checks if any single Post of any post type (Post, Page, Attachment) is being displayed.
  • Is Search Page: Corresponds to is_search(). Checks if a search result page is being displayed.
  • Is Archive Page: Corresponds to is_archive(). Checks if an archive page is being displayed.
  • Is Post Type Archive: Corresponds to is_post_type_archive(). Checks if a post type archive page is being displayed.
  • Is Category Page: Corresponds to is_category(). Checks if a category archive page is being displayed.
  • Is Tag Page: Corresponds to is_tag(). Checks if a tag archive page is being displayed.
  • Is Taxonomy Page: Corresponds to is_tax(). Checks if a taxonomy archive page is being displayed.
  • Is Author Page: Corresponds to is_author(). Checks if an author archive page is being displayed.
  • Is Date Page: Corresponds to is_date(). Checks if a date-based archive page is being displayed.
  • Is Year Archive: Corresponds to is_year(). Checks if a yearly archive page is being displayed.
  • Is Month Archive: Corresponds to is_month(). Checks if a monthly archive page is being displayed.
  • Is Day Archive: Corresponds to is_day(). Checks if a daily archive page is being displayed.
  • Is Time Archive: Corresponds to is_time(). Checks if a time-based archive page is being displayed.
  • Is Attachment Page: Corresponds to is_attachment(). Checks if an attachment page is being displayed.
  • Is 404 Page: Corresponds to is_404(). Checks if a 404 Not Found page is being displayed.
  • Has Featured Image: Checks if the post has a featured image set.