While SleekPixel doesn't currently support internationalization directly through
the UI, you can use the sleekPixel/data/custom
filter to add translated
content from WPML or other translation plugins.
Example: Adding WPML Translated Post Titles
Here's how you can add translated post titles from WPML to be available in your templates:
add_filter( "sleekPixel/data/custom", function ($data, $args) { $postId = $args["postId"]; // Get current language $currentLang = apply_filters('wpml_current_language', null); // Get post title in current language $translatedTitle = apply_filters('wpml_translate_single_string', get_the_title($postId), 'post_title', 'post_' . $postId . '_title', $currentLang ); // Add translated title to data array $data[] = [ "value" => "translatedTitle", "label" => "Translated Title", "data" => $translatedTitle, ]; return $data; }, 10, 2 );
This example will add the translated post title for the current language in WPML.